Sunday, 3 February 2013


While checking the EVS-line ( phases of emotions during the period abroad), we decided that both of us are on the level of anger. So what to do about it? After a while of thinking we started to open the map of Algarve and we decided that we need to discover untouched places: Aljezur we’re coming. J Friday morning we took the train straight to Lagos and from there the bus to Aljezur. This was just a little trip of 3 hours. :P Destination: Praia de Monte Clérigo. Tortuous and hilly roads, we are stronger. J


When we reached the beach, the view overwhelmed us. We started to walk and on the way we saw a lot of nice places.



That evening we also went to Praia de Arrifana. There we saw a beautiful sunset.   


We were glad that we could stay in a typical house to feel the real atmosphere. Saturday morning we woke up very early (7:15 a.m.) to see the sunrise through the hills straight from our balcony. Okaaay, 20 minutes of waiting for the sunrise, the strong wind made our bones to shiver (yeahyeah, we know we had the possibility to come 20 minutes later, but people from the north are always to early).



After that we had a short powernap and then the day started with a loooooong walking trip through  Parque Natural Do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina with Praia de Monte Clérigo as starting point. It was 6 km walking through untouched places where you could let the silence speak, from the rocky hills and the huge waves to sandy dunes. Buuuut, how to know where we are? As usual we lost the way ( a little bit J ). After walking another ~4 km’s we found our place where we stayed.


Sunday, time to go home. But oops, there’s no bus? Okay, one important rule in life: NEVER SAY NEVER. The only solution: hitch-hiking. While considering who’s going to keep the paper and who’s going to do thumbs up, a car already stopped (3 minutes of work, we were so lucky). Woohoo we’re on our way to Lagos.

After ~30 minutes in the car, we went straight to the beach in Lagos for a nice picnic.

Bye bye different and nice weekend, we enjoyed you!!!
Ginvile & Sofie


Labas tiems, kam įdomu paskaityti J
Ilgą laiką mūsų tinklapiukas buvo pamirštas, tad pats laikas ir vėl parašyti bei prisiminti. J Šį kartą galiu rašyti ir lietuviškai, kas man labai patinka, nes noriu papasakoti apie tarpkultūrinį vakarą, kurio meto pristačiau savo prezentaciją apie LIETUVĄ!
Aišku kaip įprasta, dauguma galvoja, kad Lietuva tai dalis Rusijos, kad mūsų kalba tai rūsų kalba, kad mes tie, kurie ragauja vodką ištisai. Tad mano darbas buvo paneigti jų žinias, ir parodyti, kad šita maža šalelė, kažkur Europoj, šalia Rusijos, yra unikali, vienintelė ir tai mūsų tėvynė!
Tikiuosi, kad man pavyko, nes žmonės atrodė susidomėję, ypač patiko mūsų graži architektūra. Nors ir neturim tokio gražaus oro kaip Portugalijoj, bet turim kitus, nuostabius dalykus! Pats pagrindinis dalykas, kurį paminėjau, tai skirtingi metų laikai. Pietuose nerasi skirtingų metų laikų, kartais susimastau, ką jie turi. Tai  ruduo ir vasara? Ar vasara ir pavasaris? O pas mus aišku kada koks metų laikas, nors ir nežinotumėm koks mėnuo dabar yra. J  Na, o labiausiai jiems patiko kepta duona, bet kam ji gali nepatikti.  J Manau, kad savo pareigą (jei taip galima pavadinti) atlikau J Mėgavausi jų susidomėjusiais veidais.
Hello everybody ;)
Now it‘s my turn to write a blog without my dear flatmate Sofie! Hahaha! Finally! J And why? Because this time I want to write about my presentation in MOJU about Lithuania. All this time we weren‘t writing, because our life was going on the same row.. Without any changes or special events. Let‘s call it a calm period.
What about the intercultural night: I decided to do a presentation and to show a part of our small Lithuania. J People were paying attention to my presentation, they were interested. I thought that it would be nice to give a few riddles with a prize for them, so on that moment they started to be veeeery motivated! Ahahahaha, everybody likes presents. After a presentation it was the moment to try some traditional lithuanian food, for sure they liked the most „kepta duona“ – baked bread. J I hope that you enjoyed my presentation and the only wish from me is that finally people would know where Lithuania is located, which language we speak and that we are not a part of Russia. J